Traverse City, Michigan – Travel and Lodging

Crystal Mountain – Conference on Michigan’s Future – November 13 – 15, 2009

The Conference on Michigan’s Future: Energy, Economy & Environment 2009 explores visions of a sustainable future; critical challenges facing the economy; and strategies for developing a stable, enduring economic, energy and environmental future.

The conference program includes multiple focus areas:

  • Economic Crisis, Instability and Uncertainty
  • Energy Production: Past, Present & Future
  • Coal and Oil Supply Limits (Peak Oil, Peak Coal)
  • Electricity Generation Challenges & Strategies
  • Transportation and Automotive Opportunities
  • Building Construction for High Energy Efficiency
  • Climate Change, Impacts and Future Scenarios
  • Food Systems, Sustainable Local & Regional
  • Increasing Resilience for Community, Business & Government

The conference features forty speakers providing high-powered, cutting-edge presentations.

Highlighted presenters include Robert Costanza, Albert Bates, Thomas Greco, Richard Douthwaite, Patrick Moore, Harvey Wasserman, Richard Gilbert, Soji Adelaja, Joe Welch, and Dan Scripps.

In depth presenters include Bryn Davidson, Chris Mi, Dave Ball, Michael Klepinger, Rich Wells, Kim Hill, Sally Talberg, Mark Wiitanen, Leslie Glustrom, Richard Barclay, David Ronk, Wayne Kuipers, Jeff Mayes, David Gard, Dawn Moncrief, Patty Cantrell, Chris Bedford, Chad Laurent, Tom Brandstetter, Peter Sinclair, Thaddeus Owen, Mark Bauer, Aaron Wissner, Megan Quinn Bachman, and Michael Brownlee.
Full List of Presenters

Complete Tentative Agenda
You are invited to join the conversation at the Conference on Michigan’s Future.
Visit Conference on Michigan’s Future Website >>>>


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